Murder by Impulse

A Lincoln Continental driven by Amy Steele, wife of millionaire rancher, James Steele, rams a tanker full of gasoline. Instant incineration of both drivers; a probable accident, according to Sergeant Larry Jenner of the Amarillo Police Department. Eight months later, it’s murder, according to Sergeant Ed Schroder of the Special Crimes Unit, and the probable murderer is the widower. Standing between James Steele and Sergeants Jenner and Schroder is John Lloyd Branson, reputed to be the best criminal defense attorney Texas. In his formal three-piece suits, cowboy boots, Phi Beta Kappa key, he is certainly the most eccentric. Assisted by his legal clerk, Lydia Fairchild, John Lloyd must prove that the most unlikely, indeed the most impossible, suspect is a cold-blooded murderer.


“If you haven’t read D.R. Meredith, here’s the book to begin with.”
Tony Hillerman

“…the crime is imaginative, the characters memorable, the West Texas locale evocative and the story hair-raising. In four increasinly suspenseful novels…Meredith has developed into a fresh, snappy voice of crime fiction”

“Meredith, in MURDER BY IMPULSE, is continuously testing the limits of the crime novel genre. Her intricate plot is smoothly and ingeniously stitched together…There are now some excellent mystery writers living and working in Texas, and D.R. Meredith is one of the best.”
Dallas Times Herald

“Fans who liked Meredith’s sheriff stories are sure to be charmed with her new detective, John Lloyd Branson, and members of the quirky supporting cast who make their bows in MURDER BY IMPULSE.”
Amarillo Sunday Globe-News

“A bright combination of mystery, character study and old-fashioned romance. . . Meredith, creator of the prize-winning ‘Sheriff’ mystery series, is a skilled professional who knows how to pull the wool over the reader’s eyes.”
Rave Reviews

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