Murder by Deception

A John Lloyd Branson Mystery

At first glance, he was a fine figure of a man. Even the butcher knife buried in the middle of his chest didn’t seriously detract from his good looks. But that corpse, nude except for a pair of mismatched socks–and the butcher knife , of course–is trouble with a capital T for Leroy MacPherson, in whose wheat field the body is dumped, and rest of his extended family. It’s also trouble for the opponents of the nuclear waste depository the DOE plans to build in the Texas Panhandle. The victim is Charlton Price-Leigh III, whose job it is–or was–to persuade local residents that burying radioactive waste in their backyards presented very little danger. That’s not what MacPhearson and his neighbors believe, and its not what attorney John Lloyd Branson believes either.  When John Lloyd and his legal clerk, Lydia Fairchild, take on MacPhearson’s defense, they find themselves entangled in a series of deceptions. Whatever they see, whatever a witness says, can not be trusted. Even the victim cannot be trusted.


“Meredith’s books are recognized for their taut plotting, reader-involving characters and crisp dialogue; they are also noted for their ingenious assortment of methods by which some of her creations are in. Using information collected by the Nuclear Waste Task Force and. . .Serious Texans Against Nuclear Dumping, as well as published DOE reports, Meredith paints a bleak picture of what she calls a “blueprint for disaster.”
Mystery Scene Magazine

“The first mystery I’ve seen in which the truth is more frightening than fiction, the only mystery I have ever read in which I felt that I might be one of the ultimate victims.”
Sharyn McCrumb

“Meredith again demonstrates that sinister criminals and horrifying crime do not require London fog or New York streets to be exciting. . . Branson and his lovely assistant keep the action and humor flowing as the horror dances around the edges of the tale.”
Fort Worth Star-Telegram

“In her new book (Murder by Deception) Doris Meredith has written a mystery with a message, and I think most readers will find the message to be frightening. The book, on the other hand, is entertaining, which is what a mystery is supposed to be.”
Amarillo Globe News

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